Mio represents an impulsive bassy Deep House style. The principle of his DJ-sets as well as his productions is “ecstasy”. His sets are characterized by diversity, ranging from dark tracks to relaxing spherical tunes, at times with a melancholic touch. Mio started gathering his club experience as a DJ
at the young age of seventeen. He
was fascinated by the collective feelings in those murky, loud and often sweat-dripping locations. These intense experiences helped him see electronic dance music from another perspective, and fueled his passion for it. Nowadays, he enjoys residency at the Gotec Club, where he has had the chance to play with and learn from well-respected artists such as Dominik Eulberg, Sascha Braemer and many more.
Born and raised in Karlsruhe (Germany), Johannes Tutsi made his first experiences with music by learning to play the drums. In the beginning of his journey through different genres, he discovered his affinity for Punk Rock and Alternative music. Later, independent bands (such as Tocotronic, Interpol, or Death Cab for Cutie) were a meaningful step in the development of his taste of music. During this time, his love for electronic music began to grow. While Indie music got more and more electronic, bands like “The Postal Service”, “Hot Chip” and “The Faint” fascinated Johannes Tutsi. From this point on, there have only been a few steps to the distinct addiction to Minimal, Tech House and Techno.
In particular, artists like “Dominik Eulberg”, “Gui Boratto” and “Apparat” inspired him to look deeper into this musical area. His first tries in producing were with “Fruity Loops.” After some years of practicing with this program, Johannes Tutsi started to use “Ableton Live” (which he still uses) in combination with “Komplete” by Native Instruments and some other VSTs. For controlling the software, he uses “Axiom 49″ and NI “Maschine”.
As well as producing his own tracks, Johannes Tutsi started to DJ in 2008. His first experiences were in some private student parties in Marburg, where he studied Political Science. After some time and practice, he was finally invited to play bigger gigs. Meanwhile, he played in parties with acts like “Dapayk Solo”, “Marek Hemman” and “Daniel Steinberg”.
Schon immer teilen Julian Wright und Jan Beric ihre Leidenschaft für sequenzerbasierte Produktionen und elektronische Musik. Nach vielen Jahren der Selbstverwirklichung als Jazzpianisten und Keyboarder schien es 2006 an der Zeit, die analoge Welt um die digitale zu ergänzen. Diverse Jazz-, Hip Hop- und Drum-n-Bass-Projekte formten ihr Verlangen die 4-to-the-floor Welt zu erkunden.
Nach anfänglichen House und Downtempo-Projekten fanden sich die zunächst als Duo gestarteten Produzenten immer weiter im maschinelleren Techno- und Minimal-Genre wieder. Nachdem sie sich auf dem Karlsruher Indielabel Reposit Rec. mit Live-Auftritten, Outdoor-Raves und mehreren eigenen Veranstaltungsreihen einen Namen in der Karlsruher Szene gemacht hatten, fand 2011 die Live- und Studioproduktion eine radikale Wende. Hatten sie sich zuvor von der vertrauten Szene inspirieren lassen, suchten die Musiker nun neue Wege, um ihrer besonderen Kreativität Ausdruck zu verleihen.
Nach intensiver Studiozeit starten die Produzenten jetzt ihr neuestes Projekt „Fait du Prince“. In Bass getränkte Beats an facettenreichem Sound bereichern das elektronische Genre um ein weiteres talentiertes Duo.
Mit der Debut-Single „Irrlicht“ und der gleichnamigen EP (Release 2013 auf dem Hamburger Label beginnt ihre melodische Reise durch weite Soundlanschaften auf dem Weg ins Unbekannte.